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The Influence of Digital Marketing on Innovative Performance with Knowledge Sharing as a Mediation Variable in Five Star Hotels (Case Study Corinthia Hotel)
Corresponding Author(s) : Ahlam Jarullah Alshoushan
OPSearch: American Journal of Open Research,
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2025): OPSearch American Journal of Open Research
The internet penetration rate has shown an average user growth rate of 62.5% per year. As of 2021, the number of internet users has reached approximately 4.9 billion, and social network users were around 3.8 billion, compared to about 16 million internet users in 1995. The aim of this research is to test the influence of digital marketing on innovative performance and the role of knowledge sharing as a mediating variable, with a specific focus on the Corinthia Hotel in Tripoli. The paradigm chosen by the researchers in this study is post-positivism, and the method used is quantitative research. The research sample consists of managers and staff of five-star hotels, specifically from the Corinthia Hotel. A total of 160 respondents were selected, all of whom are managers and staff from this hotel. This study uses SmartPLS software to analyze the data. The results show that digital marketing positively affects knowledge sharing, knowledge sharing positively influences innovative performance, digital marketing positively impacts innovative performance, and knowledge sharing mediates the relationship between digital marketing and innovative performance. These findings highlight that the impact of digital marketing on innovation is amplified when effective knowledge sharing is facilitated. Since the study focuses on a single hotel, the findings should be interpreted as a case study and may not be generalized to the broader industry.