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<doi_batch xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:jats="" xmlns:ai="" version="4.3.6" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <depositor_name>OPSearch: American Journal of Open Research</depositor_name>
    <registrant>Academia Open Publisher</registrant>
        <full_title>OPSearch: American Journal of Open Research</full_title>
        <issn media_type="electronic">2834-7668</issn>
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      <journal_article xmlns:jats="" xmlns:ai="" publication_type="full_text" metadata_distribution_opts="any">
          <title>Application of Quality Function Deployment Method to Identify Housing Estate Consumer Preferences</title>
          <person_name contributor_role="author" sequence="first" language="en">
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            <given_name>Shofiyah </given_name>
          <person_name contributor_role="author" sequence="additional" language="en">
            <given_name>Slamet </given_name>
          <person_name contributor_role="author" sequence="additional" language="en">
            <given_name>Fathin Tsanya </given_name>
        <jats:abstract xmlns:jats="">
          <jats:p>The research investigates consumer preferences in the housing sector using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method. The objective is to assess consumer satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement to provide valuable insights for researchers and business practitioners in the construction sector. The study also aims to understand consumer desires, enhance company positioning in the market, and offer recommendations for future projects. The study addresses a critical issue in the housing property market, where many entrepreneurs face challenges related to stagnant sales. The central research question is, "How can the QFD method be applied to determine housing estate consumer preferences?" Employing a mixed-method approach, the research focuses on consumer preferences in X Housing within Semarang City. Results indicate that key factors influencing housing preferences include tranquillity, social facilities, aesthetics, security, price, mortgage systems, investment value, and location. These findings have implications for improving consumer satisfaction and guiding strategic decisions in the housing property industry.</jats:p>
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